Alex Plescan

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Posts tagged with “iOS”

Xcode 8 introduced managed code signing, which automatically generates the App IDs, signing certificates, and provisioning profiles you’d usually need to set up manually for your app. This covers most aspects of getting your app ready for distribution, but one thing that still isn’t automatic is Xcode’s handling of devices UUIDs manually added in the Developer Portal; when new device UUIDs are added you still need to generate a fresh provisioning profile which includes them.

iOS 9 introduced App Transport Security, which by default forces apps to communicate over HTTPS instead of HTTP. This is a great default for production apps, but it can get in the way of connecting to development servers which are less likely to be configured with a HTTPS connection, especially when running on your local machine.

Often while working on an iOS app there’s functionality that you want exposed only when the app is running in a Debug build configuration. Previously I would use build environment variables and preprocessor macros to determine this, but thanks to the great answer on this Stack Overflow question I now use a runtime check to tell whether the app is running in Debug or Release mode:

SwiftLint is a great tool for enforcing code conventions in your Swift projects.