Hey, I’m Alex – a software engineer living in Brisbane, Australia. It’s warm here.
I started writing software professionally (as in getting paid for it) about 12 years ago. Before that, I spent a few years doing it unprofessionally (as in trying to get paid for it). During this time I’ve worked across a broad range of products, stacks, and disciplines… but I always return to the web as my favourite platform.
By day, I work at Zendesk, where I spend most of my time on the big and beautiful Ruby on Rails codebase that supports our Support product.
By night, I maintain a few personal projects. Mailgrip is my main one. If you’re a cool person that’s into RSS (and which cool person isn’t?) you should give it a try!
Some of my personal projects include:
- Mailgrip (2022) - forward email newsletters to RSS
- temoji.me (2022) - make custom emojis for Slack and Discord
- acklo (2021) - configure your app and manage feature flags
- mailpin (2020) - permalink your emails
- Soonlist (2016) - track upcoming movies
- SideSwipe (2014) - embed a knowledgebase on your web app
- i-MID Wallpapers (2014) - make wallapers for Honda i-MID displays
And some websites I’ve made include:
- gclaughs.com.au (2019)
- evenlynsommer.com (2019)
- cumtown.events (2019)
- book.basedcomedy.com (2016)
- cristinasilaghi.com (2013)
- blkwater.com (2010) - bask in the glory of my earliest surviving website!